Texas A&M and Via Share Passion for Powering Global Experiences Via is delighted to welcome our 100th partner: the Texas A&M Education Abroad Office. “Texas A&M shares our mission, vision and values. We couldn’t be prouder of this partnership,” says Via...
Warm, proactive approach to client satisfaction sets Via apart Via believes so much in helping clients succeed that Via has a dedicated Chief Client Officer and Client Success Manager. “We believe it’s our job to help clients to be successful in their roles through...
“We genuinely feel supported by Via,” says Murray State’s Rebecca Wylie When Rebecca Wylie talks about switching to Via in Summer 2021, the Murray State University Education Abroad Coordinator doesn’t talk about purchasing software. She talks about joining the Via...
Via gives UND’s Emily Dougherty “Peace of Mind” When Emily Dougherty joined the University of North Dakota Study Abroad Office full time in Spring 2016, the former UND intern suddenly found herself managing UND study abroad programs by herself. “When I interned, there...